Dormancy refers to the suspended, or slowed down state, plants enter during the winter months. Much like hibernation in animals, dormancy conserves energy which helps the plants survive freezing temperatures and a reduction in natural resources. Although your plants and trees may be in a suspended state they still require care and maintenance. Dormant pruning is a proven and effective means to sustaining a healthy landscape during the winter months. It is vital to damage prevention, disease prevention, improved plant health, and lush greenery in the spring.
Seasonal Protection and Preparation
Ohio winters can be unpredictable with extreme weather, including: sub-zero temperatures, snow, sleet, and ice. This severe weather can wreak havoc on trees and plants causing damage and broken limbs. Dormant pruning helps minimize the extent of this damage by removing limbs that are already weak and/or are showing signs of injury. By proactively pruning these damaged limbs your plants and trees are better prepared to manage the winter weather.
Precise and Efficient
The barren landscape of winter is actually advantageous for dormant pruning. Since most trees and plants have lost their greenery, it allows for more precise and efficient cuts. Without leaves to obstruct a full view it is easier to identify weak and injured limbs and asses healthy branch structure. Further, pruning leafless plantings may actually reduce overall stress to the landscape. Limbs are easier to access, cut, and remove; diminishing injury risk to healthy limbs and encouraging robust, new growth come spring.
Increased Health and Wellness
Dormant pruning benefits the overall health of your landscape by managing pests, disease, and increasing access to sunlight. Fresh cuts during winter months are less aromatic to pests carrying bacteria and fungi. As a result, pruned trees and plants are less likely to be infected by diseases spread from visiting insects. The dormant pruning process also helps open the entire landscape to much needed sunlight. Access to this vital resource will continue to feed and strengthen plants throughout the winter months when they are vulnerable to weather conditions. This combination of pest and disease prevention, coupled with access to sunlight, meets the winter healthcare needs of your landscape.
Dormant pruning is part of Country Club Landscaping’s comprehensive Plant Health Care Program because it is a critical component to year-round plant health care. It provides a foundation for healthy plant growth by reducing plant stress, pro-actively preventing damage and injury, and managing pests and disease. Dormant Pruning is just one of the many ways our Plant Health Care Program pro-actively cares for your landscape. To schedule a pruning, or to learn more about our Plant Health Care Program, contact us today!