
Beauty in the Heat of Summer: Creating Drought Tolerant Landscapes

The sweltering heat of summer can quickly undo the beauty of spring landscaping and contribute to rising utility costs as homeowners struggle to keep lawns green and flowers blooming. Instead of fighting the heat, homeowners can turn to practical and attractive alternatives. Drought and heat tolerant landscapes conserve water, lower utility bills, and offer the […]

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Landscape Lighting: Illumination and Beautification

Since Country Club Landscaping began in 2005, we’ve noticed customers missing the use of landscape lighting to increase curb appeal, safety, and time spent outdoors. Landscape lighting has steadily grown in popularity, and with new bulb technology, is more efficient and cost effective than ever (more on this next week!). Today’s lighting techniques offer a

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Rain Gardens: Natural Rain Water Management

For customer’s seeking natural ways to manage run-off, while increasing soil permeability and fertility, rain gardens are an effective and attractive solution. Rain gardens are composed of native shrubs, perennials, and flowers planted in a slightly depressed garden or down-slope. The gardens are designed to catch run-off from hard materials, such as: roofs, driveways, sidewalks,

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Getting to the Root of It: Creating and Maintaining Healthy Soil

As landscapers, we know our customers want the greenest lawns, fullest blooms, and hardiest roots. They want lawns and landscapes that are beautiful and thriving. The simple truth of it – none of this is possible without healthy soil. Soil is more than brown dirt from which plants and grasses grow. It is a complex,

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From Conception to Creation: The Outdoor Living and Landscape Design Project Process

  Country Club Landscaping believes the yard is an extension of the home and should provide the same attractive and welcoming feel. A well-manicured landscape, perfect pergola and patio, and/or soothing water feature can transform a mundane yard into an enjoyable year-round space for the entire family. As we explored in our post earlier this

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Down and Out: Ensuring Proper Downspout Drainage

  Our last blog post discussed the importance of creating an effective drainage system to avoid water damage and costly home repairs. This time we more closely examine the cornerstone of any home drainage system, downspouts. Improperly placed and installed downspouts result in seeping and pooling at the home’s foundation. This can ultimately cause soil

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Fight the Flood: Building an Effective Drainage System

Spring rain showers are a welcome relief from the dreary days of winter. However, much like their winter counterparts’ snow and sleet, these showers can wreak havoc on homes and landscapes. Pooling rainwater from ineffective draining systems can lead to flooded plant beds, wet basements, cracked foundation, and mosquitoes (yuck!). A proper drainage system is

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Wintertime is the Ideal Time: Dormant Pruning

Dormancy refers to the suspended, or slowed down state, plants enter during the winter months. Much like hibernation in animals, dormancy conserves energy which helps the plants survive freezing temperatures and a reduction in natural resources. Although your plants and trees may be in a suspended state they still require care and maintenance. Dormant pruning

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